North Island, Whakatane, New Zealand
Shop 8 The Hub, 3 Phoenix Drive
Good sized store with well stocked shelves. Many goods applicable to activities in area. I found it better than the rotorua branch for outdoor gear. Lovely friendly staff. Ideally situated.
Discount store located in 'The Hub' shopping center. Shop has an odd layout with the checkouts towards the back of the building and someone checking your purchases on your way out. Big homeware section with stuff for your kitchen/bedroom/bathroom/etc. The other dominant section is clothing with separate areas for mens, womens & kids clothes. There is a decent baby section and areas for toys and arts n crafts. Can't rate the staff as I've yet to speak to one despite being there three time. Loads of parking outside..
Good value clothes and self service check out. How do they get such low prices? Sweatshops in Bangladesh, etc,???
One staff member really helpful. He went out of his way to go and find what we needed and took to the counter for us. Female staff member at fitting room looked like she didn't want to be there. Same with one at self service counter. Asked for assistance and she sighed at having to come over. Not a welcoming or enjoyable experience.
Place seems to be in order and generally tidy.
I think its time Kmart NZ wide did an upbeat customer service training, the staff need some inspiration
Nice place. Didn't have enough time to look around I was only stop for a moment to buy something. But nice n clean
Checking out is not as fast as a check-out operator that can help you on the spot, rather than having to wait for one person to help everyone all at once. Having to wait in a check-out line just for enquires. Because the check out is in the middle of the store you still have to present your recipe to the security guard on the way out and wait for them to read and check your shopping. Department signs are not marked and partitioned clearly.
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